I just saw the on-line previews for DC's July solicitations. It looks like they've become pimps, whoring out their female characters. These two statues are solicited - one of Catwoman and one of Supergirl. To compare them to how these characters usually look in the comics I've also posted comic book art of them. Catwoman, as you can see, usually has her costume zipped all the way up. But this statue version is quite different. It looks like the zipper must have gotten stuck or her breasts grew to a size where she can no longer zip up her costume. Then there's Supergirl. Even drawn she looks like she's not really dressed all that appropriate, in my opinion. But the statue is even worse. Those are the perkiest nipples EVER - must be in the fortress of solitude. And that skirt is barely hanging on there. She might want to pull it up a little - although that would just expose her somewhere else since it looks pretty short.
It seems to me that DC is going for the lowest common denominator with these figures. I know I wouldn't buy them for myself, and I wouldn't want my husband to buy them and display them at home. I wouldn't even want them on display in the store. HOW do these comic book publishers expect to get more women into comics with these kind of products on display? Even men who respect women or just plain men with wives and/or children would probably not buy these figures. Lucky for them, I guess, that there are plenty of single men who buy comic books. But honestly I think they're missing out on a larger market by deciding to whore up these two gals. As someone who sells comics for a living I find what they did unnecessary and kind of insulting.
Wow, I'm stunned. I usually love the figures of the females. They're nice and sexy, but this is unbelievable. And there's no reason for it. They should just stick to how they're drawn, even if that means Supergirl is still underdressed. At least, the comic looks better than this. Never thought I'd say the comic Supergirl looked better than some other version of Kara.
I agree, Shelly. Usually they're "sassy" but not over-the-top sexual and there have been some I've really liked. But these two - WOW! I really feel like DC went too far on these.
Imagine what Power Girl would look like.
Don't worry - I'm sure a Power Girl one is coming. I was embarassed to order the latest JLA with her on the cover (last month's Previews?). I can't imagine displaying either one of these statues in my home.
The Catwoman one doesn't bother me so much, because I have seen her in her suit with the zipper lowered like that. Besides, a sexual and sensual nature has always been a conerstone of the character. This just plays into that.
The Supergirl, however, just isn't right. Of course, while they are following the look of the current one very well, it just serves to show exactly why this version of the character has had such a hard time getting any acceptence among female (and even a good bit of male) readers.
Considering the supposed quest DC has to get more females into Supergirl's comic, this certainly is a huge step backwards to do so.
Oh yeah, I remember finding that horrible Catwoman statue, in February. I had lots of fun mocking it with generous help from Photoshop, over here.
Catwoman does at least look like she kicked some serious posterior right before her zipper broke. The boobs are gratuitous, but there's some power and attitude behind them.
The Supergirl one is just another version of her usual "Get yer skanky teenage sex right here" look.
Where have you gone, Jim Mooney, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you...!
I am a guy. I liked the Gene Colan Black Widow. The Mazzuchelli Catwoman. Hey, even Estaban Moroto's Vampirella.
This stuff is just weird.
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