Monday, June 11, 2007

P.O.W.E.R. in Comics Builds Excitement

Our POWER in Comics community is starting to grow, and hopefully that will continue in the coming days and weeks. As it develops I hope that it is a positive place where women and minorities can go to seek inspiration, advice, mentors, etc who will help them Own comic stores, Write & draw comics, Edit comics and Read comics. I also hope that people will provide ideas and projects they are working on to help get comics into the hands of more women and minorities - things like seminars, book drives, letters, etc.

We had one member post a fun video.
I am working on getting some art together from female comic book artists
and I hope that some podcasters will share their podcasts with us on the site.

Someone said, as the whole Mary Jane statue controversy was at its boiling point, that if people wanted to see changes in the comic book industry they needed to stop talking about it and start doing something. I hope this community is a launching point for just that!

If you haven't checked it out yet, please do.

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