I am very much looking to the new Criminal series. They're soliciting for the third issue (pictured), so I think we must be going to see Criminal 2 #1 next month. Yippie! They keep mentioning this new format thing - not sure what that will be like, or if it will be worth the increase in price, but I'll check it out.
Do we really need 4 Marvel Illustrated series going on at once? I really don't think so. They'd probably sell better if there were one or two - now most don't sell much at all here at Neptune.
It's the last issue of Kirkman's run on Ultimate X-Men. Hopefully those that left the series because they didn't like his run will come back. And hopefully those that picked it up because they like his writing will stay. Me - I don't read it anyway.
The Spider-Man magazine sounds interesting. They say it's all ages, and it's comprised of old stories being reprinted. This issue is featuring Iron Man/Hulk (hmmm...movie properties - not
Amazing Spider-Girl #19 (pictured), I've been told, is a good place to jump into the series. So, those of you who prefer the married Spider-Man, but still something not so serious/depressing as some of the pre-split-up Amazing Spider-Man issues were, check this out. We might even make it a featured comic when it hits shelves.
Steve Rogers was assassinated in issue #25 - and they're on issue #37 - but still calling the story arc "Death of Captain America." Will Steve return before they end this "epic" story? But I can't complain too much about this - Brubaker has brought TONS of new readers to Captain America, literally breathing new life into a dying comic book title, and for that I'm very happy.
Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula sounds interesting. But WHY is Marvel doing all of these one-shot deals all over the place? Wolverine, New Thunderbolts, now Daredevil. Can't these stories be included in the regular stories with regular issue numbers? My computer gets all confused with these.
They also have a Hulk vs Hercules one-shot coming out. I hope that means Hulk will crush Herc and return to his comic book. No one wants "Incredible Hercules."
The first issue of Secret Invasion is solicited (pictured). I guess they wanted a one-month jump
Nova #12 - I don't have anything to say about this, other than it's a great series. Check out Comics NOW #1 magazine for a great article about Nova.
The X-Men universe is all changing up again too. The solicitations indicate that. New titles, changed title names, and no descriptions of what the stories are about.
The final Ennis written Punisher issue will be #56. But the story will go on. Hopefully folks will continue reading - it's hard to follow up such a long run, so I don't envy the new team.
If you missed the X-Men Messiah Complex crossover then let your comic book store know you want the hard cover. It's being solicited in this Previews. The soft cover is usually solicited several months after, so if you can't wait you're going to want to get the hard cover version - single issues are hard to find, even after second printings, and will probably be priced high if you look for them at conventions this spring & summer. BUT WAIT - if you scroll down past the graphic novels they now have the descriptions & cover images posted. Now the question is how long will these titles have a boost from the "event" before they start to slide down into normal
For example - Planet Hulk is FINALLY being solicited in paperback format. The hard cover came out during the holiday shopping season - I think it was October or November. It is one of the best Hulk stories, and to be honest, one of the best Marvel stories, of last year. If you didn't want to pay the price of the hard cover, pre-order your paperback now.
Greg Land has some cool posters being solicited. I think the Iron Man one (pictured) is especially cool, but both that one and the X-Men one are pretty neat.
Overall, I'm a little disappointed with how many mini-series and one-shots they've got going on. I really wish the gang at Marvel would realize that people only have so much money to spend on comics each week - no matter how many great comics their might be and how much they hype them up - so they just can't buy them all. I think Marvel & their fans would benefit from fewer comics being thrown out at once - but what do I know? I have to buy them all.
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