My nephew Jack is doing great! And so far being an aunt is fun. I can spoil him a little, hang out with him, and so far still have not had to change his diaper.
The store move went well, as I said in my last post. And so far we've gotten rave reviews from everyone. For many existing customers we have actually moved closer to either their home or work, so getting to the store is even more convenient. Now that we're just off of the freeway we've started to see more people from outside Waukesha make their way to Neptune as well. And having so many other great retailers in our strip mall brings in much more foot traffic than we ever saw on Sunset Dr. There are still plenty of little things to finish up, but we're on our way.
People keep asking us why we moved the store. The answer is simple: It's a better lo

Quiz Bowl was quite the experience! We qualified to go to Las Vegas by scoring high on the two computer administered tests, competing first against over 2400 other teams, then against 500 teams. 33 US Bank teams traveled to Las Vegas to compete for $10,000 and bragging rights.

My team was called "Chairman Bob's Center, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" because our branch manager is Bob and we always call him Chairman Bob like the guy from the Roundy's grocery stores; Center because that's our branche's name, and Winner Winner Chicken Dinner from the movie "21". The team of 5 consisted of myself and another banker and a financial specialist (banker with licenses to sell insurance and mutual funds) our customer service manager and branch manager. Our district and regional manager were there as well. We were one of only two teams from the entire state of Wisconsin to advance to the Las Vegas round. We had matching shirts - as you can see. With our team name abbreviated on the front and our bank ID's and a number of our choosing on the back.
The first night, Monday, teams arrived and then attended a welcome event that included "heavy hors d'oeuvres " an 2 drinks each. The 32nd and 33rd team competed to see which would make it into Tuesday's competition. Then we drew numbers to indicate our spots for the first round of quizing. Afterwards my bank team hung out a bit in the MGM Casino (we were staying in the MGM hotel) and went to bed.
Tuesday morning was the big day! We had the 9:30 am spot in the first round. The team met at 7:30 for our free continental breakfast and some pre-competition studying. (The guys in the photo are from my team, the two on the ends and I were the ones who went on stage for the competition and the guy in the middle was our alternate.) We dominated the first round, not even answering the lat 3 of 15 questions because as long as we didn't give a wrong answer we couldn't loose. The second round had 16 teams. We competed at 12:30 and this round was much closer. We won in the end when our competition gave a wrong answer and when our team had the chance to answer it correctly I nailed it. We took a lunch break and studied some more, preparing for the final 8 round, held in the "big room" where it was open to anyone to watch. We were nervous and stressed! We had some high ranking managers from the bank watching us, cheering us on, and now money was on the line. Making it to the final 8 guaranteed us at least $1,000 for the team

Of course I can't sleep well in hotel beds, and so by 6:30 am I was awake. I tried and tried to fall back to sleep but gave up at 7:30 and took a shower. The team met up at 11 am and w

Craig and I will be at the store today. I'm going to take the Halloween window display down and put up a fall one (no, NOT Christmas just yet) and Craig is going to put up some shelves and try to get the back area organized. Kelly Ann will be working the floor, learning the new Comic Suite/RMS POS system. Then we'll probably go to the grocery store - another thing we've not even had time to do last month. And now that things have relaxed a bit I look forward to more blogging again !
Hey Neptune! Great job and I hope your new home 'store' will be twice as fun as the first.
Holy crap! Hope things settle down a bit for you guys (but sales increase 10 fold)!!
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