Most of you probably already know about next year's big event - the Chicago Comics & Entertainment Expo, but if you don't, you've got a year to gear up. It's being put on by the same folks who do the New York Comic Con and will compete with Chicago Wizard World. CWW conveniently changed the name of the convention to "Chicago Comic Con" before Reed could claim the name - so the new con has to have a different name. But that's fine with me! It's about time someone tried to bring a real comic con back to Chicago instead of the insult to comics Wizard World has started to become. Wizard lacks organization, creativity, and good names. If the Reeds people can be as effective in Chicago as they have been in New York then next year should deliver an AWESOME convention to the midwest. So put mid-April in your calendar now and plan to trek down to downtown Chicago for this convention.
The next question is will Wizard survive another year? They are not going to publish Anime Insider anymore, they have postponed one convention and cancelled another for this year. Staff cuts continue. And no one buys the magazine for comic book prices anymore. Comic book magazines Comics Foundry and Comics Now have both ceased publication, will Wizard survive or also fall? Time will tell!
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